"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.


Unified Field Theory
The Unified Field Theory (UFT) is the ultimate goal in physics to explain how all fundamental forces and interactions in the universe are connected.

It seeks to combine the forces of gravity, electromagnetism, the weak and strong nuclear forces, and quantum mechanics into one framework.(...)

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Unified Field Theory Sept 27 2024
At the center of a black hole lies the singularity—a point where the laws of physics as we know them break down. The Unified Field Theory (UFT) is the ultimate goal in physics to explain how all fundamental forces and interactions in the universe are connected.

It seeks to combine the forces of gravity, electromagnetism, the weak and strong nuclear forces, and quantum mechanics into one framework.(...)

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We recognize the assistance of ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, for providing mathematical and conceptual support to help draft, refine, and ensure accuracy in these mathematical formulations; and in the presentation of these complex ideas.